You can fire in only one colour, but you take hits from all three!
Switch between colours to take out the enemy whilst evading oncoming fire~!

PC Controls:
Arrows - move fighter
Z - cycle palette between red, green and blue
X - shoot (you can hold if you want)
Enter to Pause

(Also N/M and C/V can be used for switch/shoot respectively)
(Also also playable on mobile! ...if you're fine with touch controls)


An endless demo made for GMTK's 2019 Jam with the theme "only one."
In this case, you can see and attack in only one colour palette.
(well, within reason, game's hard enough)
How high can you score? (My best is 1500, good luck!)

No music or title screen, sorry; ran out of time, so you're launched straight into it~

Update 18/08/19:
Added download links, though note that these are updated from the jam build. Details in devlog below~


Windows 952 kB
Mac 3.8 MB
Linux 523 kB

Development log

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